NHS priorities

Whether it’s to prepare for the next Pharmacy Quality Scheme deadline, or to increase your confidence in helping people with a learning disability, this section provides topic-specific pages that link to current NHS priorities. This section will support you in keeping your knowledge and skills up to date in order to provide high-quality pharmacy services and be service-ready.

Clinical pharmacy

Our clinical portfolio is expanding on a frequent basis, helping you to advance your knowledge and skills and deliver medicines optimisation in practice for all sectors of pharmacy. From two new focal points a year to our small group learning for hospital pharmacists – Optimise – this section focuses on clinical pharmacy, diseases and therapeutics.

Public health

The public health agenda is embedded in pharmacy, yet topics such as emergency contraception or stop smoking support are as prevalent as ever. As well as our public health workshops, use this section to access a wide range of resources to assure and maintain your competence, all underpinned by the Declaration of Competence system.

Women's Health


On this page, you will find a variety of resources to support you to increase your awareness and understanding of health issues that are commonly experienced by women and girls (or that typically affect women more than men). These resources will help you to adopt a person-centred approach when supporting women experiencing these issues.


Throughout this learning gateway we use the term ‘women’s health’. However, we acknowledge that it is not only those who identify as women who require access to women's health and reproductive services. For example, some trans men, non-binary people, and intersex people, or people with variations in sex characteristics, may also experience menstrual cycles, pregnancy and the menopause.

0h:06m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)


The aim of this programme is to enable you to discuss evidence-based information with patients requiring assistance with menstrual disorders.

Please note: this e-learning programme has been developed and provided by the Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning and Development (NICPLD). Users should recognise that this programme will refer to Northern Ireland's policies and organisations. After ordering this programme, you will be redirected to their website where the resource is hosted. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.

2h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
  • describe the menstrual cycle
  • identify the main menstrual disorders
  • differentiate between the various forms of menstrual disorders
  • specify prescription and non-prescription medication that may be used to alleviate specific menstrual disorders according to best evidence
  • provide advice on lifestyle modification that can assist with the management of menstrual disorders.

The aim of this programme is to enable you to provide evidence-based advice to women experiencing urogenital conditions.

Please note: this e-learning programme has been developed and provided by the Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning and Development (NICPLD). Users should recognise that this programme will refer to Northern Ireland's policies and organisations. After ordering this programme, you will be redirected to their website where the resource is hosted. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.

4h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
  • diagnose the condition cystitis
  • suggest appropriate options for the treatment of cystitis
  • differentiate between the various conditions that can result in abnormal vaginal discharge
  • explain the management of conditions associated with abnormal vaginal discharge
  • recognise the role of the pharmacist in educating women on the treatment and prevention of common urogenital conditions.

The aim of this programme is to enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients seeking contraception.

Please note: this e-learning programme has been developed and provided by the Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning and Development (NICPLD). Users should recognise that this programme will refer to Northern Ireland's policies and organisations. After ordering this programme, you will be redirected to their website where the resource is hosted. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.

4h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • describe the menstrual cycle
  • list the types of contraception currently available, along with associated benefits and risks
  • detail significant interactions with contraceptives and other medication
  • explain the principles of natural family planning
  • appreciate the role of the pharmacist in assisting patients with contraceptive choices.

The aim of this programme is to enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to pregnant women and those who are wanting to become pregnant.

Please note: this e-learning programme has been developed and provided by the Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning and Development (NICPLD). Users should recognise that this programme will refer to Northern Ireland's policies and organisations. After ordering this programme, you will be redirected to their website where the resource is hosted. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.

4h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • discuss the problems associated with fertility
  • explain the management of chronic medical conditions in pregnancy
  • specify suitable products (prescription-only and over-the-counter preparations) that may be used to treat established medical conditions and common ailments during pregnancy
  • highlight the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the use of appropriate nutritional supplements prior to conception and during pregnancy.
external resource

An online course supporting you to understand the impact of health inequity on women’s health and consider solutions to improve outcomes for women. 

1h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

external resource

A 30-minute course promoting awareness of the symptoms of endometriosis based on NICE guidance. Designed for healthcare professionals working in primary care.

0h:30m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

external resource

An elfh programme on the delivery of very brief advice (VBA) on smoking to people planning pregnancy, pregnant people or those who have recently given birth.

external resource

A range of patient leaflets on a variety of issues and life events from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). 

external resource

Evidence-based information leaflets about the use of medicines in pregnancy. 

external resource

Information for parents and healthcare professionals about the levels of medicines passing through milk to a baby.

external resource

Midwife-led information hub from the pregnancy charity, Tommy’s. This covers information on having a safe and healthy pregnancy from conception to birth, including a pregnancy symptom checker and digital tools for personalised pregnancy information.

external resource

Information and support for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby, whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or termination for medical reasons.

external resource

Fact sheet about what folic acid is and the importance of taking it for women who plan to have children.

external resource

This details the government’s 10-year ambitions and the actions being taken now to improve the health and wellbeing of women and girls in England.

external resource

The women’s health Clinical Knowledge Summaries are concise, accessible summaries of current evidence for primary care professionals. Topics include infertility, miscarriage, antenatal and postnatal care, as well as common conditions experienced by women during their life course.


Explore the links to different learning gateways and find further reading and resources related to other priority areas for women’s health.

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