NHS priorities

Whether it’s to prepare for the next Pharmacy Quality Scheme deadline, or to increase your confidence in helping people with a learning disability, this section provides topic-specific pages that link to current NHS priorities. This section will support you in keeping your knowledge and skills up to date in order to provide high-quality pharmacy services and be service-ready.

Clinical pharmacy

Our clinical portfolio is expanding on a frequent basis, helping you to advance your knowledge and skills and deliver medicines optimisation in practice for all sectors of pharmacy. From two new focal points a year to our small group learning for hospital pharmacists – Optimise – this section focuses on clinical pharmacy, diseases and therapeutics.

Public health

The public health agenda is embedded in pharmacy, yet topics such as emergency contraception or stop smoking support are as prevalent as ever. As well as our public health workshops, use this section to access a wide range of resources to assure and maintain your competence, all underpinned by the Declaration of Competence system.




On this page you'll find a collection of learning and assessment around this topic. As you explore the page, you'll see our learning programmes, additional resources, web links and assessments.  A great place to start is a test yourself quiz and working through this will help you to assess your knowledge and identify the gaps.  You can then look at the learning we provide around core and foundation practice and possibly more advanced practice.  You'll see a range of icons, which you can click on to log your learning and helpful indications around the timings and the format of each resource.  If you enjoy face-to-face learning with your peers, you'll also see that we've linked workshops on this page, and you can make a booking here if workshops are available.  Watching videos is a great way to learn and help you to understand the patient's experience of their medicines and condition.  And we've taken the opportunity to include videos that show a patient talking about their own experiences or what they would like from pharmacy.  Others may show demonstrations of consultations around medicines optimisation or public health and experts sharing their knowledge and skills.  Take a few minutes to explore the page and click on the tags to highlight the learning and assessment you are interested in.


This short self-directed e-course has been developed for pharmacy professionals with an interest in developing their leadership skills as part of the requirements towards achieving or maintaining Healthy Living Pharmacy status in line with NHS contractual requirements.

The course uses the dimensions of the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model to help you explore the rewards and challenges of leadership and inspire you to develop your leadership skills and behaviours.

You will have the opportunity to learn using a variety of media and to take part in activities that can help you provide evidence for self-assessment. We estimate that the reading and activities will take around eight hours in total.

8h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
  • develop your staff so they are equipped to understand public health needs
  • delegate efficiently and effectively
  • manage and motivate your team to deliver proactive healthy lifestyle advice
  • apply the principles of effective change management to communicate the impact of the HLP to your team.

CPPE has a series of guides available to support pharmacists and pharmacy technicians with their professional and personal development. Each guide covers a range of approaches to help them develop and apply key skills and techniques to practice. Topics range from overcoming anxiety through to leadership.

external resource

This link is to the NHS Leadership Academy programmes to help you grow as a leader.

external resource

RPS Leadership development framework: developing leadership, wherever you are, January 2015

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