Welcome to the pharmacy technician page.
There are approximately 20,000 pharmacy technicians currently registered in England working in various roles, at different levels, in all sectors. CPPE offer funded learning to all pharmacy technicians who provide NHS services in England.
This page is a hub for pharmacy technician learning, from early years, foundation level to advanced practice. It will include return to the register, signposting to external learning resources and other relevant articles. The aim is to have a wide range of learning materials for pharmacy technicians housed in one place.
Have a look at these resources and events that can support you as a pharmacy technician to advance your knowledge and skills for the benefit of people who you offer pharmaceutical care to.
The aim of this self-directed e-course is to support you to recognise how your skills, knowledge, understanding and professional behaviours allow you to provide safe and effective care to the people you serve, as the pharmacy technician role continues to evolve.
You will complete a self-assessment framework to help you to identify your personal learning needs. Once completed, the self-assessment will direct you to specific elements of this e-course that will help you to meet those needs.
Pharmacists can also access this learning programme to gain insight into pharmacy technician development, the potential for skill mix in the pharmacy team and the pivotal role that pharmacy technicians can play in service delivery.
18h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
We have developed this e-learning programme to support pharmacy technicians to further their understanding of professionalism, apply professional judgement in different situations and develop knowledge to improve patient care, experiences and outcomes.
3h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this e-learning programme, you should be able to:
This resource is not currently available to you, click for more information.
We have developed this e-learning programme to support pharmacy technicians with dispensary-based calculations to ensure accuracy and safety when preparing, dispensing and checking prescriptions for patients.
2h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
This programme supports pharmacy technicians to develop the confidence to work under patient group directions (PGDs). It provides examples of opportunities to use PGDs in practice, and uses activities that aim to empower pharmacy technicians to work under PGDs to increase capacity for person-centred care within the healthcare team.
1h:30m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
This e-assessment is linked with the CPPE Dispensary based calculations for pharmacy technicians e-learning programme and assesses you on the learning outcomes within that programme.
Why should I do this assessment?
We have written this assessment for two main purposes. Firstly, successfully completing this assessment provides you with evidence that you have achieved a number of the learning objectives within our Dispensary based calculations for pharmacy technicians e-learning programme. These demonstrate that you understand and can apply mathematical skills to a range of dispensary based calculations accurately. Secondly, successful completion of this assessment would also provide you with evidence of your skills and knowledge within this topic area - for example, to maintain your CPD records.This e-assessment is linked with the practice standards for consultation skills and the CPPE consultation skills learning programmes.
Why should I do this assessment?
Access and successful completion of this assessment will contribute to your own personal development plan, be recorded in your My CPPE record and will enable you to complete a CPD entry on the learning. It may also provide evidence for achieving competencies in the RPS Foundation or Advanced Pharmacy Frameworks. If you are working towards completing a Declaration of Competence for a pharmacy service, successful completion of this assessment will provide evidence of your learning.
This e-assessment is linked with the CPPE Pharmacy technicians: using patient group directions in practice e-learning programme and assesses you on the learning outcomes within that programme.
Why should I do this assessment?
This e-assessment completes the learning you began with the CPPE Pharmacy technicians: using patient group directions in practice e-learning programme. Access and successful completion will contribute to your own personal development plan, be recorded in your My CPPE record and will enable you to complete a revalidation record on the learning. It may also provide evidence for achieving competencies in the different competency frameworks that apply across your career.
This programme will help you have a clearer understanding of conflict and how it arises. By reading through this guide and taking part in the exercises it includes you will be better equipped to resolve conflict satisfactorily in a way which can result in a positive outcome for all involved.
Please note: after ordering this programme, you will be redirected to an external website where the resource is hosted. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.
3h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
This link is to the NHS Leadership Academy programmes to help you grow as a leader.
The Teaching Resource Centre (TRC) programme provides you with basic pharmacological knowledge: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and an understanding of drug mechanisms in the context of (patho) physiology. It is developed by the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.
Before using the TRC database, you should read and agree with the terms of use. You will need to register with the website.
10h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:The APTUK series of PGD factsheets are designed as an aid to inform Pharmacy Techncians and are not intended to replace any required formal training.
The APTUK series of PGD factsheets are designed as an aid to inform Pharmacy Techncians and are not intended to replace any required formal training.
This resource provides pharmacy technicians with an introduction to patient group directions and signposts to further resources and reading. SPS have worked collaboratively on this resource with NHS England, Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) and the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK.
This e-learning programme provides key information about repeat dispensing, practical implications of implementing the service and how to use electronic repeat dispensing. It is an interactive programme including videos, quizzes and reflective exercises.
Please note: This e-learning programme currently makes reference to paper and electronic repeat prescribing. Pharmacies can and still do receive paper repeat dispensing prescriptions, so it is important to understand both processes.
2h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
With the increased pressures and demands of pharmacy, this programme discusses how skill mix can improve your work efficacy and how to conduct an effective skill mix.
1h:30m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:Please help us improve our website by letting us know what you like and reporting anything that isn't quite right.