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This learning programme has been designed to introduce you to genomics and pharmacogenomics, and to highlight the opportunities they can bring to the provision of person-centred care in your area of practice. It will also allow you to explore the application of genomics and pharmacogenomics in the larger healthcare context.
2h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
Genomics is a form of personalised medicine that is transforming healthcare. Pharmacy professionals are well-placed to play a key role as genomics moves into mainstream clinical care, by supporting people with information about genomics and how this can contribute to medicines optimisation.
This programme aims to support you to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to have person-centred consultations with people about genomics in everyday pharmacy practice. You will explore factors to consider, words and phrases you can use to respond appropriately to questions, and where you can signpost people to for further information and local services.
2h:30m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
Study time: 30 minutes
Why take this course?
As genomics moves out of specialist services and into the mainstream, it is likely to be encountered by more healthcare professionals than ever before, including those who are engaging with this technology for the first time. This course is designed to give an overview of how genomics can be used in a variety of clinical scenarios.
Who is this course aimed at?
The content of the course is aimed at those healthcare professionals who have had limited or no exposure to genomics in their clinical roles. The course would also be suitable for those looking to refresh their knowledge or support training.
What will I learn?
The course covers the following topics:
- Is genomics relevant to me?This e-assessment is linked with the CPPE Genomics in pharmacy: an introduction to person-centred consultations e-learning programme and assesses you on the learning outcomes within that programme.
Why should I do this assessment?
This e-assessment completes the learning you began with the CPPE Introduction to genomics in pharmacy e-learning programme. Access and successful completion will contribute to your own personal development plan, be recorded in your My CPPE record and will enable you to complete a CPD entry on the learning. It may also provide evidence for achieving competencies in the RPS Foundation or Advanced Pharmacy Frameworks.This e-assessment is linked with the CPPE Genomics in pharmacy: an introduction to person-centred consultations e-learning programme and assesses you on the learning outcomes within that programme.
Why should I do this assessment?
This e-assessment completes the learning you began with the CPPE Genomics in pharmacy: an introduction to person-centred consultations e-learning programme. Access and successful completion will contribute to your own personal development plan, be recorded in your My CPPE record and will enable you to complete a revalidation record on the learning. It may also provide evidence for achieving competencies in the different competency frameworks that apply across your career. If you are working towards completing a Declaration of Competence for a pharmacy service, successful completion of this assessment will provide evidence of your learning.
The National Genomic Test Directory outlines the full range of genomic tests that are commissioned for the NHS in England, the technology by which they are available, and the patients who are eligible to access a test. You can also find information on how the test directory was created and is updated via this link.
This strategic framework, published by NHS England in January 2024, sets out a 3-year approach to integrate genomic medicine into pharmacy education and training and workforce development.
This 5 year strategy, published by NHS England in October 2022, sets out how the NHS aims to empower more people to take preventative action following risk-based predictions, receive life-changing diagnoses and get the support needed to live with genomically-informed diagnoses alongside improved access to cutting-edge precision treatments. It also outlines how the NHS plans to accelerate future high-quality genomic innovation that can be adopted and spread across the country, leading to positive impacts for current and future generations.
Landing page for the NHS Genomic Medicine Service information. From this page, you can find links to information on the NHS Genomic Medicine Service, genomic research, personalised medicine and genomic resources.
Landing page for Royal Pharmaceutical Society pharmacogenomics resources, including webinar on Demystifying Pharmacogenomics: Pharmacy’s role in personalised medicines and short videos on how pharmacogenomics may impact different sectors of pharmacy.
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