NHS priorities

Whether it’s to prepare for the next Pharmacy Quality Scheme deadline, or to increase your confidence in helping people with a learning disability, this section provides topic-specific pages that link to current NHS priorities. This section will support you in keeping your knowledge and skills up to date in order to provide high-quality pharmacy services and be service-ready.

Clinical pharmacy

Our clinical portfolio is expanding on a frequent basis, helping you to advance your knowledge and skills and deliver medicines optimisation in practice for all sectors of pharmacy. From two new focal points a year to our small group learning for hospital pharmacists – Optimise – this section focuses on clinical pharmacy, diseases and therapeutics.

Public health

The public health agenda is embedded in pharmacy, yet topics such as emergency contraception or stop smoking support are as prevalent as ever. As well as our public health workshops, use this section to access a wide range of resources to assure and maintain your competence, all underpinned by the Declaration of Competence system.


external resource


Welcome to the CPPE dermatology page. In your work as a pharmacy professional you will encounter people with a range of different skin problems and queries about dermatological conditions. These skin conditions can be challenging to diagnose, and you will need to know when to treat and with what medicines, and when to refer the individual.

Our dermatology page gives you access to relevant learning resources to allow you to improve your knowledge and skills when it comes to advising on treatment and the next steps for those with dermatological problems. This will support you in identifying common skin conditions, as well as identifying red flags which require referral.

Take a look at the learning resources to feel more confident in your approach to managing skin conditions in practice.


This programme offers you the tools for taking a person-centred dermatological clinical history and recognising the typical signs and symptoms of several common skin conditions. It will also help you, in a community setting, to support people with common skin conditions to self-manage their symptoms. 

2h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • describe the fundamentals of effective skin care
  • develop a dermatological clinical-history-taking help sheet to use in practice
  • describe and recognise the typical signs and symptoms of common skin conditions 
  • recognise some of the red flag symptoms associated with common skin conditions and make appropriate recommendations for referral
  • discuss current treatment options for common skin conditions
  • create your own toolkit of resources and self-care measures to share with people to help them to self-manage their skin condition
  • demonstrate effective shared decision making and person-centred care during a dermatological consultation.

This programme aims to support pharmacy professionals to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to undertake effective consultations, communications, clinical assessment and treatment for impetigo under the NHS Pharmacy First Service.

1h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to: 

  • define the common symptoms and management of impetigo
  • describe differential diagnoses for impetigo
  • identify possible complications of impetigo and when a referral is appropriate
  • discuss appropriate evidence-based treatment and self-care advice for impetigo.

This programme aims to support pharmacy professionals in developing the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to undertake effective consultations, communications, clinical assessments and treatments for shingles under the NHS Pharmacy First service.

1h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • define the common symptoms and management of shingles
  • describe differential diagnoses for shingles
  • identify possible complications of shingles and when a referral is appropriate
  • discuss appropriate evidence-based treatment and self-care advice for shingles.

This programme aims to support pharmacy professionals in developing the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to undertake effective consultations, communications, clinical assessments and treatments for infected insect bites under the NHS Pharmacy First Service.

1h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • define the common symptoms and management of infected insect bites
  • describe differential diagnoses for infected insect bites
  • identify possible complications of insect bites and when a referral is appropriate
  • discuss appropriate evidence-based treatment and self-care advice for infected insect bites.

This programme was developed by NHS Education for Scotland to help to update your knowledge and skills on the common clinical conditions and minor ailments that may present themselves in community pharmacy. It contains practical tips and advice on how to identify, recognise and manage a wide range of common conditions.

This version of the programme has been adapted by the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) for use in England.

8h:00m (for events this includes pre and post event learning)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • recognise common clinical conditions
  • describe the clinical management of common clinical conditions
  • recognise red flags and points for immediate referral
  • describe the key components of self-management strategies.
external resource

e-Learning for Healthcare dermatology online learning resource


This e-assessment is linked with the CPPE Dermatology: An introduction to managing common skin conditions programme and assesses you on the programme’s learning outcomes.

Why should I do this assessment?

This e-assessment completes the learning you began with the CPPE Dermatology: managing common skin conditions programme. Access and successful completion will contribute to your own personal development plan, be recorded in your ‘My CPPE’ record and enable you to complete a revalidation record on the learning. It may also provide evidence for achieving competencies in the different competency frameworks that apply across your career. If you are working towards completing a Declaration of Competence for a pharmacy service, successful completion of this assessment will provide evidence of your learning.

external resource

National Eczema Society: A guide for teenagers with eczema


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