This guide supports pharmacy professionals who want to learn more about how they can manage the risks that are inherent in their practice. It signposts you to the most appropriate places for your learning and to other key resources.
If you are using the interactive PDF version of this programme, please ensure you download and save a copy of it to your computer before attempting to make and save any changes. If you try and make changes in your browser, there is a strong likelihood of losing your work.
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
On your computer: You can open this programme as a PDF in your web browser. We recommend that you download and save it to your computer and access it through Adobe Reader. You can then type notes in the answer boxes and save them by saving the PDF. If you try and make changes in your browser, there is a strong likelihood of losing your work. To make the most of the interactive features in this programme, please make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of Adobe Reader.
You will need to be connected to the internet to access web links mentioned in this programme.