We are pleased to announce the launch of our Fundamentals of cardiovascular therapeutics e-course.
The NHS Long Term Plan identifies cardiovascular disease as a clinical priority and the single biggest condition where lives can be saved by the NHS over the ten-year period 2019 to 2029.
The aim of this e-course is to develop your knowledge and skills in cardiovascular therapeutics. The course will enable you to provide a person-centred approach to support the healthcare of people living with or at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. It is designed for pharmacy professionals working in all areas of practice.
The course is comprised of seven units, covering an introduction to cardiovascular therapeutics, followed by units on atrial fibrillation, blood pressure, cholesterol, stable angina, acute coronary syndrome and heart failure.
This is a self-directed course which you can work through at your own pace. We have included a range of videos, activities, case studies and scenarios to help you apply your learning to everyday practice.
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme, you should be able to describe the anatomy and function of the cardiovascular system and explain the changes which occur in common cardiovascular conditions. You should be able to identify opportunities to develop your role and professional networks to deliver holistic and seamless care for people with cardiovascular disease. You should also be able to apply your knowledge of medicines and cardiovascular guidelines, demonstrating a shared decision-making approach to medicines optimisation to support people living with or at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
For more information, including how to register, visit: